
“Save our family, Oh God. A hundred percent of us.” He prayed, prayer after prayer. “Help us finish strong.” As she sat beside him and held his hand while he prayed, she fervently agreed. “Yes, Oh God. Bring each one into Your kingdom for Your name’s sake.”

If you’ve played the game of Sorry or Aggravation or Trouble, you know that the object is to get all your pawns home safely. Each pawn begins its journey around the board at different turns. Cards or dice send it forward or backward, advancing or slowing the trip. Or completely haulting it, at which point the pawn is sent back to the beginning to start over.

Hmmm, sounds a little like life. Sorry, aggravation, trouble. Pawns at Jesus’ start line experience growth and setbacks. And there is an opponent who wants to land on our square and send us all the way back. But Jesus is there and grants us a new start and keeps our eyes set on home.

With strategy and perseverance, a pawn will march its way up the home sidewalk, up the steps, and inside never to start over again. Home. Safe. Jesus.

Save us, Oh God, a hundred percent of us. Bring us all home safe never to face a set back again. And thank you, for securing one of us. One member of our family is securely, forever with you. That feels so good to me. You are faithful. And I know you will be faithful to those of us who are close behind. We will finish strong. We will join the one and be reunited with him and You.