More of Our Story

ALS struck after an out-of-town remodel project had begun, and as I was recovering from unexpected surgery. It caused a couple with plans to ask, what is going on. Prayer had been part of our married life together. Prayer after devotions, prayer walks, prayer to and from church, prayer with friends… prayer. It’s what we did. Certainly we prayered this project. Which meant things should go smoothly.

Have you read Proverbs 16:9, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps?” It’s really true.

Bill and Kath needed help. Funny thing, we didn’t even pray for help, God provided it before we could think to ask. (I’ve read about this in Matthew 6:8.) He assigned us Christian contractors who understood our dream. They brought the Holy Spirit with them onto the property through music and conversation. And they brought us by phone and Face Time. We shared cabinet dimensions, lighting design, attic access, and faith across many miles. We shopped by Internet, they received orders and installed. They kept us with them. We kept them with us.

On top of this met need, God gave us the generous expertise of our long time friends, Kim and Don. A successful developer, Don directed the bedroom addition part of the project. OK. I’m talking generous. This couple flew to us from out of state, drove the distance to our project, quickly established godly business relations, directed next steps, and opened the vault to fund it all. It all! More than the addition. Way more. Then they traveled the distance to us, prayed, encouraged, updated and cried with us. At this point we were all hopeful Bill and I would be able to move together and celebrate our sight unseen home.

“… but the Lord determines our steps.”

Slated for a project completion date of June, the race was on. Well, not really a race. While the contractors scurried, our track held us to our hospital bed, where not much racing goes on. Somehow we knew around the middle of March that we would lose. Bill’s body was obviously failing. I remember one morning we said aloud to each other words we had kept tucked in… we’re not moving together.

In one way it felt relieving to me. I didn’t know how I could possibly care for Bill and set up home. But in a more stark way, we felt slammed. We wouldn’t be realizing our dream. The dream was crushed. It just didn’t make sense.

“… but the Lord determines our steps.”

In his last days, Bill said often to me, “Kath, pack slowly and move. Be with our kids. They will love you. They will help you. They will walk with you.” So here I am, in this beautiful home that Bill imagined, designed and helped build from a bed. Like stepping across the threshold of your favorite place on earth, everything reminds me of him. From the countertop fabrication to the slope of the finish trim. Our home speaks Bill.

Little by little God reveals to me His goodness and grace and love. I see now that prayer smoothed my way. I am learning to trust and hold my plans lightly because

“… the Lord determines our steps.”