
Yesterday I joined a church hiking group. I like hiking and really want to get to know the trails around here. The photos I’ve seen online promise the views won’t disappoint. What about new friends? There is no online promise for friends. I really really want to make some friends around here.

Twelve of us stuffed ourselves in a church van, and except for 3 or 4 of us, no one knew his seatmate. Like me, folks joined for the something-to-do-on Saturday, exercise, blue sky and fresh air, and company. The same questions floated from front to back: “Where are you from?” “Have you done this hike before?” During the hour drive, hour hike, and Burger King stops, we learned bits of personal history. I can tell you that Linda is very much grieving the loss of her husband. Bill is praying for his wayward daughter. Andy knows the best restaurants in town.

Once home, and dealing with the dustiest — everything, I wondered if any of these “meets” could become a friend. The likelihood of more time together is slim. Plus, I’m realizing on a new level, friendship is an investment. It means effort, sacrifice, commonalities, interest and attraction, and lots and lots of time. Plus, most friendships kinda just happen without hiking plans. The more I wondered, the more that discouragement monster roared at me.

I wouldn’t even be thinking about all this if Bill had been with me. In fact, as I walked that path, I thought mostly about him. While chatting! I can’t stop thinking about him! “I’m doing this for you, Babe. I know you want my life to go on. I’m trying.”

One sure take-away from yesterday, the love of God filled those peoples’ hearts. They love Him. They are pursuing relationship with Him by sharing challenges and victories in Jesus. God-talk was easy. I absolutely love being among God’s people because whether or not I hop from doubt to doubt or stand on certainties, His spirit saturates the space. So I’ll keep meeting and whatevering just in case there is a friend ahead.