It’s a living picture.
He lays on my toes. He stretches across my lap. He burrows behind my ear. This new puppy of mine could not get closer. Any closer. Though he tries.
He finds me and keeps his droopy eyes on me. He comes so willingly. So eagerly. When I correct, he yields. He goes with me. He plays with me. He completely depends on me for everything. And I love it! I LOVE it!
Today, this lively puppy flopped over my arms and crunched his noggin on the concrete. Ooosh! That hurt. He cried and cried. And I… I felt so sorry so sorry so sorry. Pain. I know pain. I whispered and soothed and okayed him back to calm.
The Bible says of our Lord, He is a good shepherd tending His sheep. But I wonder if it could just as well say, He is a good dog-owner snuggling his puppy. Because this attachment, this fancy for a brand new member to my family, is amazing.
My Lord loves me to hide away in the crook of His arm. He loves me to shadow Him, gaze on Him, drink from His “bowls,” receive His praise and instruction. He loves loves loves me to get closer than close. To be eager for the morning when we’re together again. He loves me to depend on Him, follow Him, and rest with Him.
I see it. I feel it. A living picture of Jesus and me. Wow! Just wow!
One response to “Picture”
Wow is right!!!