
My very part time job brought me back to my use-to-be-hometown for the week. It’s been a headyank! People welcome me, even light up to see me; they even know my name! I forgot what a simple, but blessed pleasure it is to be known. I wish I could bring all these long-time friends back with me. Who wants to move?

I learned about one friend’s new self-care goals. I heard about another’s summer camping adventures. One gal popped in and out on her way to her son’s wedding. Of course I jumped on a lunch invite. Instant joy. Listening in, joining in, connecting in.

I love the story of Hagar from Genesis 16. God met her, provided refreshment for her, and called her by name. Then she gave Him a name: ““You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” This week I have seen the One who sees me. At least I see Him through these beautiful friends who have met me, refreshed me and called my name. “Kathy! You’re back! How are you? It’s so good to see you!” I can’t even express the infusion of joy. Is this what it’s like to take deep draws on a pure oxygen tank?

And then to top the blessing, a widow friend shared her story with me. A couple tissues later, I knew God had landed me another gift. Connection. Comfort. Closeness. I am seen.