
She spoke tenderly to me. This friend of mine listened to my longing to be with Bill. She witnessed the steady waterfall down my cheeks. She seemed to shutter with my shutters. She looked at me with sincere sympathy.

Then she said, “Kath, you have to stay. God wants you to stay here. I’m sorry.”

She’s right. I’m still here. I’m suppose to keep living. I wonder why. But she’s right.

I also wonder why it took this sweet face, this soft voice, this gentle spirit to make the truth real. I know. I know God has more for me to do. But I’ve sort of set that aside ready to join Bill any day. Any day. Any day.

Kath, you’re staying. Whoosh. There it is. There is the truth. Can’t be set aside. Let it land in my mind, settle, convince, and set my heart on staying here. God, stay here with me.