
The tendency is to think, well, I’ve been through the worst. It can’t get worse. The big one hit, I’m exempt from more. We treat a problem like a vaccine: get the shot, endure the pain, be free from troubles forever more. Done.

How many know troubles keep coming? Raise your hand.

Troubles do not seem to know each other. Not the ones before or the ones following. They’re indifferent and uncaring.

Two weeks. Troubles may leave you alone for about two weeks, but not more.

Since Bill left me, I have been bumping over a mountain of troubles, one after the other. A car accident, house system failures, leg injuries, relationship sadness, and today… today my new puppy is so sick. He’s only 2 months old. He can’t stand or walk. He can’t puppy. No one seems to know what to do for him. He’s not getting better. It’s another, pretty yucky, trouble.

The tendency is to think this trouble is too big. I can’t endure another. I can’t see past it. But I make myself remember that all troubles end. All troubles eventually fade into a lesson, a comfort for someone, a story to tell, a marker of faith. Here I am again, dear Jesus. Again. I need you — Snoopy and I need you. Please bring this trouble to an end and help me know that You know about all my troubles. You work all things together for good because I love You.

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